Is a fractional PMO the right choice for your business?


The word 'fractional' - though it's been around for a while, clearly - seems to be the new buzz words for businesses. In case you're not sure what all the fuss is about, in this article we wanted to quickly drill down into why it may be just the thing for your team to adopt, if you want to initiate change, ensure progress, and drive efficiencies quickly and cost-effectively.

What a luxury, to have your own (non-billable) team whose sole purpose it is to support decision-making, make process improvements, support the CEO's strategy.

Yes, all businesses do need those things, but in this day and age - especially within marketing and advertising agencies, where client budgets just ain't what they used to be - it's not a luxury that can often be afforded.

Short-sighted? Perhaps, yes. But if it means keeping the lights on (and jobs secured) for those 'doing' the work, maybe it does make sense to worry about 'The Process' later.

In steps the fractional PMO (PM, COO, SVP Ops; call it what you like). With them, bringing:

  • Cost savings
    Let's not beat about the bush. Employees cost money - especially experienced ones. But with a fractional PMO, you get the experience and expertise, without the added expense of a salary and benefits. 
  • Specialised expertise
    Someone who knows what they're doing. One specialist rather than a number of generalists (which is all that may be available internally).
  • Access to industry best practice
    Whatever challenges your business is facing, you can guarantee your fractional PMO has been there and done that, and has proven methodologies to work with. 
  • Faster implementation
    No lengthy hiring process, no recruiter fees - your fractional team can hit the ground running (and start making efficiencies) in a matter of days.
  • Flexibility and scalability
    You need a team that's happy to work on an 'as-needed' basis, to support you when it will make the most impact. And yet that person is still part of the business (though they may only be there a day or two a week).

There are more reasons, yes, but nobody likes a bullet list with more than five points.

If you want to hear the rest, get in touch. Why shouldn't you be able to have your cake and eat it?

And, if you want a further deep dive into the differences between the 'standard' consultant vs fractional consultant, take a look at our article on the subject.

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