Monday, Monday


So, Monday has rolled around again. And whether you weekend was filled by being a glorified taxi driver for your kids' busy social lives, spent on long country walks and pub trips (ah, those we're the days...) - or something entirely different! -  it's likely that by now, last week's work feels like a distant memory.

That's why I learnt to make Fridays my saving grace. Fridays are the days when I get my things in order, so that I can shut my laptop down (which makes IT happy, for one thing...), knowing that I'll be back at the top of my game the following week.

How? Well, by doing a handful of key things:

 1. Status reports for all your projects 

Not only will you thank yourself for the fact you don't have to remember what you did last week and still have to this week, but your clients will love you for the fact they don't have to do the same

🕗 2. Timesheets

Yep, love them or hate them (ok, ok, nobody loves them), getting those bad boys submitted while the week's work is fresh in your mind is worth it. Put on some tunes and get it done (and remind your teams to do the same, so you can get those budget burn reports out quickly next week!)

✔ 3. To do list

On your iPad or a pad of paper, scribble it down and then forget it for the weekend. Order by priority, by client or day. Whatever works, works

Three's probably enough at this point, you're likely already rushing to get those creative pieces out the door and then out to get to some well-earned drinks with the team. 

But give it a go this Friday, I dare you, and let me know if it makes a difference to next Sunday's back-to-school feeling!